I noticed strange behaviour in GA4 plugin. Assume...
# plugins-general
I noticed strange behaviour in GA4 plugin. Assume, I am using
and for Service principle fill all the parameters:
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  type: service_account 
  project_id: dataeng
  private_key_id: id
  private_key: "key"
  client_email: <mailto:meltano@dataeng.iam.gserviceaccount.com|meltano@dataeng.iam.gserviceaccount.com>
  client_id: 'id'
  auth_uri: <https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth>
  token_uri: <https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token>
  auth_provider_x509_cert_url: <https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs>
  client_x509_cert_url: <https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/meltano-googleanalytics%40dataeng-345715.iam.gserviceaccount.com>
  universe_domain: <http://googleapis.com|googleapis.com>
this will add the JSON config in
based on the parameters. But when I do the same, but using the method of installing meltano from
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  - "./meltano_plugins/*.meltano.yml"
it doesn't populate the `client_secrets`:
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$ meltano config tap-ga4 list                                                                                                              

2023-08-09T07:14:45.475711Z [info     ] The default environment 'dev' will be ignored for `meltano config`. To configure a specific environment, please use the option `--environment=<environment name>`.
start_date [env: TAP_GA4_START_DATE] current value: '2023-08-01' (from `meltano.yml`)
property_id [env: TAP_GA4_PROPERTY_ID] current value: None (from `meltano.yml`: '$GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_PROPERTY_ID_GLOBAL')
client_secrets [env: TAP_GA4_CLIENT_SECRETS] current value: None (default)

Custom, possibly unsupported by the plugin:
client_secrets.type [env: TAP_GA4_CLIENT_SECRETS_TYPE] current value: 'service_account' (from `meltano.yml`)
client_secrets.project_id [env: TAP_GA4_CLIENT_SECRETS_PROJECT_ID] current value: 'dataeng' (from `meltano.yml`)
Did I miss anything or this is a kind of issue with manual plugin run that won't add anything to the:
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client_secrets [env: TAP_GA4_CLIENT_SECRETS] current value: None (default)