:speaker: I have an update for all `tap-google-ana...
# plugins-general
🔈 I have an update for all
users 🔈. As most of you already know the Universal Analytics API is deprecated and stopped processing new data this month, although my understanding is that historical data will be available for at least another year. With that https://github.com/MeltanoLabs/tap-google-analytics/pull/142 the meltanolabs tap-google-analytics codebase to use the GA4 Data API. Huge shoutout to @connor_flynn @josue_sehnem @Henning Holgersen @Matt Menzenski @alexander_butler for their contributions! How this is reflected on the hub is changing slightly though. When you search the hub you will now see both a GA4 plugin and a UA plugin. The original tap-google-analytics plugin that has been listed for years is now labeled as UA and the meltanolabs variant has its pip_url pinned to a pre-ga4 branch. Theres also a new
plugin page that represents the GA4 variants. The meltanolabs tap-ga4 variant is still tied to the tap-google-analytics repository but is listed on the hub with the
alias so with meltano you'd run it using
meltano invoke tap-ga4
. ⚠️ Action Required ⚠️ - If you're using an unpinned pip_url and want to continue using UA you need to pin your pip_url to
as shown in https://github.com/meltano/hub/blob/1c58814f48c7f08d23d179b6c17076efea0353f2/_data/meltano/extractors/tap-google-analytics/meltanolabs.yml#L18. If you want to switch to GA4 you will need to
meltano add
the new
plugin and configure it as some settings have changed.