Hello Team, currently, we use Fivetran and would l...
# plugins-general
Hello Team, currently, we use Fivetran and would like to see if Meltano could replace it. It worked really well with Salesforce replication in Snowflake. In Fivetran, the names are roughly converted to snake cases for table and column names. If we decide to use Meltano, I wonder if there is a way to configure target-snowflake to convert the names to snake cases. Or please let me know if there is a better way to handle this. Otherwise, it will be a difficult task to migrate our existing queries. Many thanks. Below are a few examples.
Copy code
My_Name	    my_name	
My Name	    my_name	
MyName	    my_name	
mYName	    m_yname	
MyName123	my_name_123	
My123name	my_123_name	
My_Name!	my_name_	
My_Name____c	my_name_c