Hello :slightly_smiling_face: I'm currently trying...
# singer-tap-development
Hello 🙂 I'm currently trying to dockerize a meltano project which contains: 1) custom extractor (singer-sdk) 2) meltano project making use of the custom extractor. When building the image, we get the following error upon
meltano install
in the EL project folder:
meltano 3.1.0 requires python-dotenv<2.0.0,>=1.0.0, but you have python-dotenv 0.21.1 which is incompatible.
We are using the following dockerfile:
Copy code
ARG MELTANO_IMAGE=meltano/meltano:latest

# Copy over Meltano project directory
COPY custom-rest-api/ .
COPY my-el-project/ .

WORKDIR /project/my-el-project

# Install any additional requirements
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

# RUN meltano install
RUN meltano lock --update --all
RUN meltano install


COPY run-el.py .
ENTRYPOINT ["python", "run-el.py"]
Any idea how could we resolve the issue? Any help would be appericiated.