okay coming back to this, i wanted to see if anyon...
# singer-tap-development
okay coming back to this, i wanted to see if anyone has thoughts - i have an SDK based tap for Stripe, which returns reverse sorted data. i'm making one day chunks, iterating through them, and calling
at the end of each iteration. i logged
at the end of an iteration to confirm it was working and i do see the state i pushed
Copy code
{'starting_replication_value': '2022-01-01T00:00:00Z', 'progress_markers': {'Note': 'Progress is not resumable if interrupted.', 'replication_key': 'created', 'replication_key_value': 1641237037}}
however, the next run starts right back at the beginning if that stream doesn't run to completion and starts with a
[warning  ] No state was found, complete import.
the repo is here if that helps. without this working my first run would take a couple of days 😬